Line-up and club display's
We're assembling as many as possible of the cars we’ve featured in AirMighty Magazine over the last ten years, together with the best new built show cars around.
Want to join these days with your aircooled VW Club and put on a nice line-up outside behind the main Hangar? Feel free to e-mail us and we will see if there is space left.
The VW Club member-cars are allowed to the area on Friday. And can take the cars in and out during the weekend only before public opening time (8.30-10.00u), and after closing time (>17.00u). No driving alowed during show opening hours!
- Exclusive outdoor club line-up display
- €10,- discount on a 2-day ticket and free parking for your normal car and trailer (if needed).
- Early entrance to get your Club lineup in order.
For the visitors coming with their aircooled VW we have a special VW parking in front of the main entrance! This way everyone will be part of the event!

VW Club
Contact us
Do you want to have your club displayed at the show, contact us:
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